Hello Spring 🌱 - Knowledge Crates

Hello Spring 🌱

By: Knowledge Crates

I was going to write about something different when I logged onto my computer, however, sitting on the deck in the sunshine brought something else to mind.  It is not yet spring, but I love the way the first warm days after winter bring spring to mind!  It is 63 degrees outside and I don’t need a coat. The air smells fresh somehow and I am reminded of what spring means…renewal.


If a first warm day, sunshine, and a walk in the woods with my husband and dog can bring such excitement to me about the coming spring season, imagine what it can do for our little ones. To be able to run outside again, explore nature, and be as loud as we want! I am excited to renew with them. To share our love of nature and show them the world around them in one of its most amazing seasons.  


We will explore how the season changes, what rain and sunshine do for plants, how the wind can help us with energy or flying kites, and how the world begins to wake up from winter. Plants begin to grow, tadpoles are hatched and grow into frogs, chicks hatch and grow into chickens, bugs can be discovered, and so many other new things come to life. I can’t wait!


~ Amy Stedman - PKC Teacher

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